Cup of coffee printed with the word "begin" to mark the start of a positive morning

20 Monday Affirmations to Start Your Week Off Right

“It’s been a long week” – you, by 3 p.m. Monday afternoon.

Whether you woke up on the wrong side of the bed or hit traffic on the way into the office, you’d be amazed to realize just how many excuses we can find for having a rough start to the week. While some greet Monday morning with open arms, others go in kicking and screaming. I have a challenge for you: turn your Manic Monday into a Manifest Monday with short, easy affirmations.

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10 Free Tools Every Writer Needs to Use Immediately

As a writer – and one who recently moved across the country – I can vouch that from the surface, finding helpful writing tools seems like it will cost much more than you can afford. Luckily, the Internet is home to plenty of free writing tools that not only amplify your content but also streamline your working process. Before you open up that wallet for a costly subscription, check out these free writing tools that won’t put a dent in your budget. Continue reading

Whistleblowers: A Deeper Look into American History

In a country that can often be plagued by fear and greed, it takes a lot of nerve to stand up against authority. Individuals who choose to defy the status quo and speak out against issues that have been swept under the rug, known as whistle blowers, are crucial to a democratic society. So why, when these individuals often have the most to loose, do they continue to speak out? Continue reading

City at War: A New Yorker’s Views on Islamophobia

September 11, 2001: only six years old yet overcome with fear, anguish, despair.

2005, I am only 10 years old but veraciously alert to hatred, angst and terror. Now, at age 20, it has become strikingly clear to me that the attitude in New York City has become one of abhorrence; a poignant reminder that the terrorist attacks that have been thrust upon our city have left behind the fear of an entire culture. Continue reading

Finding the “I” in the “iBook”: Lessons College has Taught Me, Beyond the Basics

When first applying to Lynn, I understood that attending such an international, innovative school would result in a unique college experience that would leave a profound impact on me. Little did I expect that only halfway through this crazy journey would I have gathered enough wisdom to last me a lifetime – well, maybe not a lifetime, but there’s still three more semesters for that.

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