Channel Letter USA: Creating a Social Presence

Channel Letter USA is a wholesale sign manufacturer, located in Delray Beach, Florida. Originally founded in 2008, the business came under new ownership in September of 2017. Unfortunately for the new owner, the company was completely devoid of all social presence, with the exception of a Facebook – which earned only 30 likes in it’s nine years of operation and hadn’t been updated since 2014.

When I came on board in October it was my mission to get Channel Letter on the map. In my research before joining the company I found that Google searches for the company had them coming in eighth on a search list, below all paid search content. Additionally, any images related to the company were of low-quality, or boring to look at. Below please find the content I created for the company – new photos, vibrant flyers, and an updated social media regime.  Continue reading

Sustainability Client: Creative Campaign

The Lynn University Sustainability Committee, located in Boca Raton, FL, required a new campaign for their Spring 2018 semester. A relatively new addition to the Lynn campus, this campaign needed to not only bring attention to their cause, but also increase on-campus participation.

The following slides are taken from my pitch to the committee (click for PDF). For complete initiative details, including budgeting and research, please click here. Additionally, video content created for the campaign can be found on my blog, here.

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